What Our People Say
Take a look at some of the beautiful testimonials from people we have worked with and continue to work with.
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“I recently experienced a despacho session with Maestra Skie, and even though it took place online, it was an incredibly joyful and inspiring experience. I learnt how to create magical despachos and felt so inspired by the whole ritual. I am looking forward to create my own despachos and give them as offerings to Pachamama. Maestra Skie’s approach is infused with love, attention and a profound sense of care, making the entire session a truly enriching experience. It was a real treat. Thank you ever so much!”

“I purchased a stunning feather from Skie. It arrived and it took my breath away. A full size condor feather, beautifully beaded and looking fabulous. The energy was amazing. Thank you for bringing such sacred shamanic treasures to us all. Skie is an uplifting inspiration, especially her Instagram posts, full of useful and non-judging advice.”

"I want everyone to know what an amazing experience I have had at SunGate and how after just one visit my life will never be the same. You are all so amazing at what you do and I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to you. I will never go anywhere else. Thank you so much."

"Meeting Skie and Red as teachers has been a blessing. You are welcomed into the community with open arms and given the tools, wisdom and support to expand your life into greater joy, love and opportunities. I am extremely grateful for SunGate and all I have experienced so far."

“I am so grateful for the healing I’ve found at SunGate with Skie and Red, and their team over the years. They have facilitated some amazing insights and changes for me in my life, not to mention offered continuing love, friendship, and support. Thank you.”

“I have had the honour and privilege of being Skie’s student for quite a few years, as well as having initiations, receiving healings, attending and assisting at ceremonies. I can honestly say the whole thing has been life changing in so many ways. I have transformed deep issues within myself, and all while being held in the gorgeous, loving, magical space that Skie and Red create…and it’s also been a right laugh!"

“Skie and Red have been monumental in helping me become the loving person I am today. I’m finally at peace with my past and with who I am. I pop back for additional guidance every now and then but I truly feel as though I’ve mended. I couldn’t have done it alone – thank you Skie, Red and the amazing SunGate community. You’re forever in my heart.”

“SunGate brought incredible into my life. Their powerful methods and unwavering support throughout my recovery journey have been nothing short of transformative. Their genuine love, kindness, and sense of humour have not only aided my healing but have also touched my heart profoundly."